Tagged By Sis Najwa

terima kasih daun keladi kepada sis najwa sudi tag. so macam biasa la, kalau dah kena tag, mesti ada soalan dia kan? aku akan cuba jawab sejujur mungkin. hehe. jom usha.

1. Real name - Mohd Shafiq Izwan B Abdullah.
2. Nickname - Shafiq.
3. Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
4. Male or female - male lor.
5. Elementary school - SK. Bukit Kuang.
6. Highschool - SMK Sultan Ismail.
7. College - UTM.
8. Hair colour - Red. gurau je la. haha. hitam semestinya.
9. Tall or short - Tengah2 kut. :P
10. Sweat or jeans - jeans.
11. Phone or camera - Camera. ngidam sangat2.
12. Health freak - No.
13. Orange or Apple - Apple.
14. Do you have a crush on someone - No.
15. Eat or drink - Drink.
16. Piercing - Penah sekali. tengok link ni. HAHA.
17. Pepsi or coke - jarang minum air gas. so dua2 boleh.


1. Been in airplane - x pernah pon. huhu.
2. Been in a relationship - penah, masa zaman sekolah dulu2.
3. Been in a car accident - syukur alhamdulillah x pernah lagi.
4. Been a first fight - Ya.


1. First household chores - xde kot. sume best jer.
2. First best friend - Azrul dan Azril. mamat dua orang ni kawan pertama aku masa mula2 aku pindah Terengganu.
3. First award - dapat tempat ke3 masa pertandingan pidato umur 6 tahun. aku ingat lagi aku b'pidato sambil tutup mata sebab nervous gila. xD
4. First crush - Nur Shazwani Bt. Mohd Nor. macam tu kot nama dia kalau x silap. masa darjah enam. apa cerita la dia sekarang.
5. First word - a lu pikir la sendiri.
6. First section - section 38, 1DDZ.
7. Last person you talked in person - Amirul. dia tanya aku, "best ke ada blog?"
8. Last person you texted - Catt. tanya kelas kat mana.
9. Last person you watched a movie with - Angah, Azrul, Iwan.
10. Last food you ate - nasi lauk ayam masak merah.
11. Last movie you watched - Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah. dapat seat depan sekali. =.=
12. Last song you listen to - Travie McCoy, We'll Be Allright.
13. Last thing you bought - pencuci muka.
14. Last person you hugged - my emak, malam 2 januari lepas.


1. Food - Ayam masak merah.
2. Drink - Milo ais, teh o ais.
3. Bottom - entah le.
4. Flower - bunga mawar. aaawwwwww..
5. Animal - janganlah menganiaya haiwan kerana mereka juga makhluk Allah. :P
6. Colour - Merah & putih.
7. Movie - She's Out Of My League. kelakar gila. HAHA.
8. Subject - Programming, Math.

(put an X in the bracket if yes)

1. [ ] Falling in love with someone.
2. [ ] Celebrate halloween.
3. [ ] Had your heart broken.
4. [X] Went over the minutes / Texts on your cellphone
5. [ ] Had someone question my sexual orientation.
6. [ ] Got pregnant. *lol*
7. [ ] Had an abortion.
8. [X] Did something i regret.
9. [X] Broke a promise.
10. [X] Hide a secret. *national secret haha*
11. [ ] Pretend to be happy.
12. [ ] Met someone who changed your life.
13. [ ] Pretend to be sick.
14. [ ] Left the country.
15. [ ] Try something you wouldn't try and liked it.
16. [ ] Cried over the silliest thing.
17. [X] Ran a mile.
18. [ ] Went to the beach with your best friend.
19. [X] Got into an argument with your friends.
20. [ ] Hated someone.
21. [X] Stayed single for a whole year.


1. Want kids? - Of kos la. (:
2. Want to get married - Yes, insyaallah.
3. Career - X tau lagi.


1. Lips or eyes - eyes. dari eyes jatuh ke heart. haha.
2. Shorter or taller - x kisah.
3. Romantic or spontaneous - spontaneous.
4. Nice stomach or nice arms - stomach la.
5. Hook up or relationship - relationship.
6. Looks or personality - personality.


1. Lost glasses/contacts - Nop.
2. Snuck out of the house - Yes.
3. Held a gun/knife for self defense - No.
4. Killed somebody - no.
5. Broken somebody heart - aku manusia biasa.
6. Been in love - Yes.
7. Cried when someone died - Yes.


1. Yourself - yes.
2. Miracles - yes.
3. Love at first sight - hmm. entah la.
4. Heaven - Yes.
5. Santa Claus - No.
6. Superstition - No.
7. Kiss in the first date - erk. berdosa.


1. Is there one person you want to be right now? - bukan sorang, tapi ramai.
2. Do you know who your real friends are? - Ya..
3. Do you believe in god? - semestinya.
4. Post as 100 truths? - maksudnya?

ha meh sini mau tag, tapi aku main tag je ni. kalau korang rajin, ada masa, buat la ek. nak tau gak pasal korang. :)

penulis: pergh panjang gila.

Yang Benar,
Shafiq Izwan,
Khamis, 06/01/11, 06.20PM.


NuSaNa NoSa 91 said…
woooo~ abes terbongkar semua rhsia.. tehehehee~ ^_^
Admin said…
mak aiiiii...panjang gilor la entry ni. banyak soklan, baca pon dah penat nih, nak menulis n menjawab pulak..fuhh!! Sila bagi aku tong oksigen untuk oksigen tambahan, takut mengah waktu menulis...hehehe...
erk...khairul amry? macam kenal jer nama tu? wahaha...thanx bro tag aku. tapi kalau aku rajin aku buat erk...panjang tuuuu

p/s : BI aku terlajak pandai. hehe
Shafiq Izwan said…
kalau x rajin memang payah nk buat ni. saya pon lengoh. haha. xpe kite improve bi sesame. hehe.